Boo, Burger King

Well this ought to make the company look really good PR-wise.

Burger King VP Stephen Grover used his daughters email address from behind which to slander the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, a group trying to gain fairer wages for migrant farm workers.

At one point, Burger King Vice President Stephen Grover told reporters he was concerned the coalition was pocketing the extra money. After several independent groups that verified the agreements dismissed the allegations, Burger King officials stopped repeating them.

But the allegations were repeated on blog posts, according to a story published Monday in The News-Press in Fort Myers. The paper traced those posts to the online user name of Grover's daughter. The girl, who is in middle school, later confirmed to the paper her father had used her online screen name.

Well, I don't eat a Burger King to begin with so it means nothing to boycott, but I can blog about it and let people know that in contrast to Burger King, both McDonald's and Wendy's have agreed to the wage increase of 1 cent per pound of tomatoes picked.

More about the Coalition of Immokalee Workers...

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