wizdUUm Is Looking for UU Story-Tellers

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wizdUUm Is Looking for UU Story-Tellers

Is there a story that you tell repeatedly about Unitarian Universalism?  wizdUUm is looking for your stories! 

We're looking for stories in print form but that have been told verbally, NOT a dry something one would read in a history text book.  Remember, a good story will show some kind of obstacle being overcome and/or growth in the protagonist(s).  A good UU story would inspire us to be better UUs, better people.  Ideally, we're lookig for stories of people who said, "Yes" to a challenge.  If the story can be attached to a specific date, that's even better (but not necessary).

Contributions would become part of the wizdUUm library of stories that would be accessible to the UU community. Authors of course get acknowledgement and retain full rights to their own stories.  However, they give wizdUUm permission to make slight edits for consistency, and display and promote the story, and give other UUs permission to alter the story for their own needs/preferences with attribution.  (For example, By X, adapted from Y.) 

If there are multiple versions of a story, we wil put them all up and let people decide which they prefer. If one turns out to be MUCH more popular than the others, we might "canonize" it. But for now, this is sort of an organic thing.

Please contribute in the spirit of sharing and of growing Unitarian Universalism.

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Fri, 10/31/2014 - 08:11
Mon, 06/16/2014 - 07:09
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