Submitted by soma on Sat, 02/06/2010 - 17:10
The Fundamental Answer to Evil Is Worse Than the Problem
The living flame of love does not offend so why do you try to wound my soul
All life is sacred so a call to arms, a holy jihad must be viewed with suspicion
In the heart you would injure, Jesus delicately inspires my love
A peaceful place where love abides and shares with all
Passed from the soul beyond what can be expressed by mouth
I recognize your intentions behind the harsh and angry manner
Eliminating evil, a task within the self, eliminates any barrier to love
Choices examined move towards or away from it
Hellish thinking creates devils and discordant feelings
You have no prejudices, only hatreds based on evidence?
You want to save the world, forcibly bringing me to peace
I remain in tranquility, waiting for you to join