Immigration Justice

To the right you will find links to wizdUUm resources on issues of migrant and immigrant justice.  As always, you are invited to contribute to our collection.

wizdUUm Blogs on Immigration

What is a Hymn to Vatos?

Tweet of the Day: @Urrealism: Hey! RT @Aunt_Feather: "Hymn to Vatos Who Will Never Be in a Poem" by @Urrealism for #PoetryMonth via @Latinopia

Migrant & Immigrant Rights Forum


In response to increasing hostility towards immigrants, Latin/Hispanic immigrants in particular, both in the public sentiment and legislation, a New Sanctuary Movement has emerged. The UUA is the only religious organization that has signed on to the New Sanctuary Movement. I'm quite proud of this as I see it as us living our values - respecting the inherent worth and dignity of all and relating to others with justice, equity, and compassion (our first two principles). For as long as there is such gross economic inequity between countries, I cannot fault anyone for trying to make a better life for their kids even if it isn't "legal." I take seriously the idea of "Welcoming the Stranger." So I was more than a little surprised a couple of days ago to find that some of my fellow UUs favor "securing the border" between the U.S. and Mexico.

Forum Activity

Fri, 10/31/2014 - 08:11
Mon, 06/16/2014 - 07:09
Tue, 10/01/2013 - 22:01

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